Undergraduate Students

In the psychology department, undergraduates have the opportunity to register for Psychology 494, a course where they gain research experience for course credit.

Psychology 494 serves to provide undergraduate students with valuable experience in all aspects of psychological research as they work closely with Dr. Jeff Green and his graduate student colleagues on various projects throughout the semester. This internship will familiarize students with social psychological research by giving them first-hand experience in conducting testing sessions, working with participant data, conducting literature reviews, reading journal articles germane to the current semester’s projects, and writing up (part of) an experiment in APA format. This semester, we anticipate conducting research on a wide variety of social psychological topics.

While the duties for this internship may vary somewhat throughout the semester, the core responsibilities remain constant. Primarily, you will be responsible for conducting experimental sessions (i.e., running participants), entering data into SPSS, and conducting literature reviews. You should expect to devote 3 hours per credit hour each week (e.g., 9 hours each week for 3 credits) to these research duties. We will train to complete these tasks – and by the end of the semester, you should have an assortment of research skills (which would nicely complement graduate applications).